Wednesday, May 30, 2012

End Of A Book Reflections: A Lack of Authority

   Hello again everyone. I apologize as this post will probably not get me a lot of fanfare as my previous other two blogs because it's not as Gothic. I'll get back to those gothy-type rants later. I was originally going to wait till I received a comment or at least 15 views of this blog before I posted this. But, I have almost nothing to do at this point in the year. And, I need to type something. So, here it is a week earlier than expected: My End of a book reflections on Borders And Envelopes.
   I recently finished writing my fifth book, Borders & Envelopes. And, I would like to reflect on one of the many themes of Borders & Envelopes: A Lack of Authority. Or, more simply put, feeling like you have no control over your life.
   I'll clarify how this is a theme in both the manuscript, my  personal daily life, & your daily life. In the manuscript, the main character has to help her parents care for eleven children, including her. She has to move from Mexico to America. She finds out she's pregnant by a boy from her homeland. Her mother & her eldest brother treat her like she's an idiot at many, many times. Her father has cancer, so she has to give her mother & younger siblings three-fourths of her salary, and she gets paid on commission. On top of that, her younger brother dies unexpectedly. I don't want to spoil any ending. So, to get to the point, she feels like the world hates her & that God/a higher power has more control than she does.
   It eerily plays a part in my personal life at the moment as well. Right now, it is the end of the year for my schooling.  My mother won't let me have any control of my psychiatric treatment even though I have been old enough to say "I don't think I like this treatment. If feels more like I am being treated like an asshole for my mental illnesses & the way I do things than being treated for my illnesses." for three years now (at least where I'm from). My therapist recently told me to wait to type Schadenfreude until I am all done typing Borders & Envelopes (At this point, with this bitch I am really kind of sick of her. I gave a chance, but, I think my mother has too little friends/or is too stupid to get me a different person. Needless to say, I miss my old therapist. But, I started typing Schadenfreude anyway, so, I'm not telling her a damn thing.). Like I said earlier, my schooling is almost over. In just a few days, I will be at home for the summer. But, a few days before that, I will be at one of my two schools, in particular, the one that is my personal hell. And, I will have to cope with students that all in my opinion should be either put on stronger medication, put in a psychiatric ward, or put in prison (you'd have to see the school I'm going to to understand), and teachers who don't have the patience to suggest it. The binder I write in is too full to close, so, I cannot write in the situations that I want to write in (such as family gatherings because being the eldest grandkid, I have to constantly be around kids in my sensory-issue area). And, on top of that, I have a show on my mind that is so weird I'm glad they haven't invented mind reading technology yet.*
*Sorry. Had to get this all off my chest, and this is also a clear example on how I have no Authority.
     Either way, I know that a lot of you feel like you have no control over your life right now. Or, maybe you NEVER EVER, EVER, EVER,EVER felt like you had control over any aspect of  your life whatsoever. And, that could be for a majority of different reasons. Maybe it's because your government is abusing its authority, and on that note, I would like to send a shout-out to all my readers in Russia. I am amazed that you were even able to find this blog as I heard that every Goth & Emo thing (or what was construed as either or) was banned as being "dangerous".
   Anyway, maybe you feel that way due to health issues. Or, you feel that way due to financial/family issues, such as divorce or foreclosure. But, whatever the case, remember, as hard as it is to remember, You have more control over your life than you will ever know.
Well, that's it for today. Goodbye.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

What Every Alternative Subculture Needs

   Hello again, everyone. I am not much farther in my writing. But, I just had a thought that I had to share with you.

  I was just thinking about my subculture while listening to Evanescence, & I've just figured out what the heck ALL alternative subcultures need & only the Metal Hip-Hop subcultures has achieved much of at all recently.
   Has anyone ever seen Ru Paul's Drag Race? Well, here's where I am going. Prepare for a boring lesson.

   A long time ago, in  presumably North America or Europe but definitely not the Middle East or Asia, there was a guy that, bravely/stupidly/drunkenly/smartly, you decide, for some reason, saw some wigs, some shiny clothing & some jewelry belonging to a female the person knew presumably, and decided that "hey, I'm not having enough fun as a guy, maybe dressing as a girl will be fun." Thus, the Drag Queen was born.
   Many years later, around the 1970s, Drag Queens exploded onto the scene. But, Hollywood & many others blew them over as just guys who are desperate for something or just trying to entertain us. And, they weren't shown as much as they should've been.
    However, in 1993, a Drag Queen named Ru Paul Charles released an album, with the hit song "Supermodel (You Better Work)". And, as time went by, Ru Paul became a socialite, focusing on gay rights & trying to expand Drag to new levels. Beginning in the 2000s, Ru Paul then got two televisions: Ru Paul's Drag Race & Ru Paul's Drag U. These shows helped Ru Paul (as well as many other Drag Queens) make Drag as well as GLBQT, make it in many countries around the world.

   You see what I'm talking about? We need one person from one subculture to step up to the plate. We need one person from one particular subculture to go up on television & say "Hey, I am a (Goth, Metal-head, Punk, Skater, Hip-hop, Vampyre, Emo, Furry, Hippy, etc.), and my subculture is OK. I am proud to be one, & I can function in today's society. To prove it to you, I have a cable access show about my subculture for my subculture that can be viewed by everybody regardless of whether or not you are part of our subculture.", and then, actually getting a chance to do it. We need a good television representive.
   Like I said, Metal & Hip-Hop are the only subcultures that have branched out in the way I am talking about. Especially Metal. In fact, they have two shows for Metal-heads. One is called "That Metal Show" & it is basically a show hosted by radio DJ Eddie Trunk, Jim Florentine, & Don I forget the third guys' last name because I have the attention span of a three-month-old squirrel. The other show is called Metal Evolution. The show is a spinoff of the documentary "Metal: A Headbanger's Journey". It is hosted by anthropologist Sam Dunn, who happened to be a Metal-head himself. Both shows focus more on the music & the musicians than the subculture itself. But, that is OK, as the Metal subculture is a subculture focused around a music subculture more than it is a subculture focused around a bunch of different things. However, I could see Sam Dunn eventually doing a season on the subculture itself.
   But, I think you get my drift. And, it could help if Goth, Punk, etc. had shows. Because while Goth has many books written on the subculture, the amount of literate people has decreased considerably, &
other than books & Abby Sciutto on NCIS & other websites (, Goth has nothing to go on. And, that gives Hollywood an excuse to walk all over us, even planning shows that give Goths makeovers.
    Another reason is it keeps subcultures alive. I have been a Goth since I was 13, &  I am still the only Goth I know. I have met people in my art class that I feel those are steps in the right direction. But, I have never met anyone in my particular subculture that lives in my particular area. My mother has on multiple occasions told me that there used to be a Gothic movement in the area I lived at, but, everyone moved out. Maybe if there was a show hosted by Goths for Goths & people who enjoy them, more teens will see our subculture  as well as many other subcultures & determine that "hey, I am one of these people". In that way, we might be able to prevent any more teen suicides, & do what Lady Gaga never could (oooh, *snap*snap*snap*).

   So, does anyone have any ideas on how to do something for your or someone you love's subculture like what Ru Paul has done for GLBQT & Drag? I have a few ideas, but, I'll pitch them later. And, if you have any ideas, leave them in the comment section below or send them to me at:

Friday, May 25, 2012

Advice on How To Be Goth During the Summer

   Hello again dear readers. It is Saturday May 26th, 2012 Memorial Day Weekend beginning. I am now COMPLETELY done with a movie script  I was writing, except for typing it. I am almost done writing Borders & Envelopes, only one chapter left to go in writing, and Chapter Nine in typing. For The Devil Horns' Toss, I am still on Lacrymosa (Chapter Three) writing wise, however, soon, I could possibly be typing Schadenfreude (Chapter One). Enough about my writings (even though I am really excited about them). Since I now have an audience, I would like to give my first piece of Goth Advice.

    Now, before I go on, I realize that one in my audience is from Russia, which may mean the fact they even got on this here blog is a miracle. But, either way, I kind of have to explain what Memorial Day Weekend is to the foreigners on this blog. Memorial Day is a holiday that falls on Monday every year, & it is a holiday in which many government buildings are closed, mostly schools are closed in memory of all the American MIA/POW/killed in action soldiers. However, many people (in particular, schoolchildren but mostly all Americans) treat it as the true first day of summer. A lot of swimming pools open, amusement parks open, girls start wearing shorter clothes.
       However, when you are a Goth like me & a lot of other people reading this blog, Summer is to you what a cat is to a mouse. So, here are some tips on how to be a Goth during the summertime:

  • First off, wear lighter shades such as grey or white. Now, you may want to wear colors such as black, & you can. It's just more difficult.
  • Wear very light fabrics, such as silk & cotton. DO NOT WEAR HEAVY FABRICS SUCH AS VELVET, LACE,POLYESTER, & TAFFETA. I wore both on two days a Memorial Day weekend or two ago. I was outside so much I was near dead from heat stroke.
  • Now, for those of you who wear heavy eye makeup, pick some good eye foundations. I personally used to use MAC's paint pot shade Painterly. However, that shade would have my makeup fade off by the end of the night in heat over 85 degrees. So, I switched to using CLINIQUE Lid Smoothie Antioxidant 8-hour Eye Colour shade 02 Cashew Later. (*A quick side note: I am not trying to advertise either makeup brands. I am just making a recommendation from personal expierience.)
  • It is perfectly OK to wear boots in temperatures over 85 degrees. It is also appropriate for Goths to wear open-toed shoes/flip-flops. Enough said.
  • If  you are one of those Goths that wear very short sleeves & skirts/are slightly into the Bondage-sadomasochism subculture as well as the Gothic subculture, this advice applies less to you. 
  • Don't go overboard with your makeup.  In addition to looking like Alice Cooper (unless that's what you're going for), melting eye shadow & eyeliner might get into your eye & really cause some serious damage. Don't believe me? Just recently, someone I know had to flush her eye out because she got eyeliner & mascara in her eye & it really irritated her eye.
  • Sometimes, with what you are planning to wear, the weather will just refuse to cooperate with your outfit. So, a lot of you Goths are going to hate me for what I am going to say. But, here it is: When in doubt,  don't wear it. And, don't wear trenchcoats at this time. 
  • Ladies And Gentlemen of the Class of '99, wear sunscreen.  The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proven by scientists. In all seriousness though, wear sunscreen. It's better to look like Amy Lee than look like Snooki I always say. And, you won't get skin cancer.
  • For swimsuits, Ladies: No one wants to see your unmentionables. Wear a swimsuit that fits properly, unless it's a bikini. But, even then, don't show too much. Gentlemen: Please don't wear a banana hammock unless you absolutely have to. Enough said.
  • Drink more than eight glasses of water a day.  Scientists recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water a day. But, trust me. Since you are wearing all black/dark colors all the time, your clothes are absorbing more of the sunshine, which is making you hotter than the average nonGoth human. So, I'd recommend at least 9-10 glasses of water a day.
  • Last But Not Least: Elegant is not always appropriate. So, Ladies, try as much as humanly possible to avoid those cutesy little Victorian-Edwardian outfits during the day. And,  guys, I know you want to seem suave for possible girlfriend's parents. BUT, FOR CHRIST'S SAKES, DO NOT WEAR ANY OF THOSE TUXEDOS THAT ARE DESIGNED TO LOOK LIKE ONE OF THOSE TUXEDOS WORN BY MARILYN MANSON DURING THE GOLDEN AGE OF GROTESQUE PROMOTION!

   Well, that's all I can think of to advise right now. If you have anything to add to this, or if you have any questions for me, leave them in the comment section, or email me a

Friday, May 18, 2012

Finished a cover/Quote of the Century

Well, before I go on to showing the cover for Borders & Envelopes, I have come up with the quote of the century:

"I know as a parent that it is my job to constantly undermine my child for her weaknesses. But, my mother I sometimes think that my mother's only purpose on this planet is to make my life a living hell."
   -said by Esperanza, Borders & Envelopes

Now, without further ado, here's the cover:

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sex-and-the-Cityish Tangeant #1

    Hey. I typed last night. But, I am trying to kill that urge for a little while, so, I can finish up a book by summer. All I have to do today is take out the recycling. But, I saw something in the newspaper that made me have to write this now. And, I kind of wanted to do a blog the same way they do the story narration on the old show Sex & The City (I'm not a huge fan of the show, but, I watch it from time to time to forget about The Golden Girls, as 3/4 of the cast of The Golden Girls are dead.). But, I know I can be very blunt at times, so, I am going to warn you right now: I am not really a Lady Gaga fan. Nor am I now or have ever been a fan of the other musicians mentioned in this post. However, that being said, I do sympathize with the devil & tend to go overboard with my worries, so, I am not trying to force anyone to believe that I have an answer to all the world's problems. Much rather, this post was written to bring up an question unrelated to the topic.

    Anyway, I just read about what happened to Lady Gaga. Anyone who didn't here's a link to the story:!wallState=0__%2Fentertainment%2Flady-gaga-will-have-to-cancel-indonesia-concert-1681920.story

     *I saw it in the newspaper first.
     Well, I was reading about how she canceled her concerts in Indonesia, & I was horrified. And, especially when I  remembered hearing from somewhere that one of her musical influences is Marilyn Manson, a man who many a year ago had churches picketing his concerts because he had the gall to shred/set the Holy Scriptures ablaze. And, he was inspired by Alice Cooper, a man whose shows were picketed by churches the world over because he had the nerve to assault mannequins and decapitate himself on stage.

Now, here's my question: When did music lose that independent "You're not the boss of me" streak it had almost 20-40 years ago? Is music written by vocal people for one confused by things like the moral majority? Or, is music written to please the moral majority?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

An Introduction To Me

An Introduction To Me

   Hello. Welcome to the Aspiegoth blog. Now, I am going to go out on a limb, and guess that you found this blog completely by accident, & you may be thinking "What on earth is an Aspiegoth?" Well, this blog is written by one and she'll tell you everything you want to know.
Well, here's some background information for you: I am an art student, not disclosing whether in high school/college because by the time that this gets commented on I'd have graduated. But, I am also a member of the Gothic subculture. I know some eldergoths are going to attack the comment section of this blog for my saying this. But, I am telling the truth. 
    At age 5, I was diagnosed with autism. At age 8, I was diagnosed with Aspergers' Syndrome. But, that is the very definition of AspieGoth.

    In addition to these things, I am a writer. The majority of what I write is fictitious manuscripts. I am starting the Aspiegoth blog as a typing thing to type when I am not at a typing point for any of my manuscripts. And, as an online journal, if nothing else. But, just to warn you, I am just too blunt. And, sometimes my posts will be really random. So, never expect my posts to look the same. I am always busy in addition. So, don't count on having an idea on which the next post will come.

And, even though my profile says my name is Bonovika, my name is Avnirvana Bonovika.

So, Avnirvana out.